Some Glassic parts for sale
Don, the Annexmaster, is offering the items below. Generally these should go in the trash, but before doing that, I thought I would check in case anyone can use them. In each case you pay for actual postage, plus $1.00 per item if you have a car listed on the owners page. No postage if you come to Palm Harbor and pick them up. |
Air cleaner - original type, only this one is bare aluminum on top
and looks like aluminum paint on the bottom part. I had considered
polishing up just the top and using it, but, although it shines up some,
the discoloration spots do not go away even with a bench buffer. Way too
much work for me. Take it all, or any part you need.
The little parts that I tried to shine look better than the picture, but it was NOT easy to shine them, even with a buffer. |
Horn megaphone part. -- This has been painted with "chrome" paint. I actually took it in to a chrome plating place and after saying it would be cost about $100 - I left it and three weeks later went and got it because they still had not gotten around to doing the plating. -- |
Carb riser tube - this plastic type tube has a gasket on it.
Wheel covers 14 inch from a 1978. -- These are, I think, original type plastic covers in crummy condition. They would be fine as a fill-in if you lost one or broke one. They come apart, and one interesting thing you could do would be to only use the back part -- imagine this: paint your wheels white, paint the wheel covers, (just the back) RED, or a color that matches your car, and then put on a 3 bar spinner - from JC Whitney. -- The center part of the back section, under where the outer section had covered shined up pretty nicely. -- The covers will clean up some for a daily driver - but, as stated above, the proper place for these is in the trash, unless you have 5 good ones already.
This apart cover -- outer cover: the right side is shiny but pitted the
spokes will likely not come clean at all - the back section, the flat
part is shiny chrome. |
If you have any interest in any of this stuff, please let me know since it will be going in the trash soon otherwise. |