
Look at pictures of a Glassic Phaeton, a real 1931 Ford Model A Phaeton, A Shay Roadster, a Glassic Roadster, and the real thing. Shay did not make Phaeton replicas, but Shay cars were more closely patterned after the actual Model A Ford than the Glassics.
An early Glassic from 1966. Later cars used a Model A type bumper.

Earlier Glassics used 4 cyl International Scout engines and standard (stick shift) transmissions.

Later cars had 302 Ford V-8 engines and mostly automatic transmissions.

A quick way to identify a Glassic is the hood latches on the TOP of the side panels. Shay and real model A's have those at the bottom.

What is a Glassic PHANTOM? -- Nothing, actually. By the year 2017 the term "Phantom" has been seen several times in Glassic ads.  As close as I can tell, Phantom may be the name of another type of car, but in our case, likely a miss-spelling of Phaeton -the names look similar when written out.  -- This oddity is mentioned so that search engines on the Internet can find this incorrect name on this website.

A 4 - door -- Glassics are all 2 - door cars.

Glassic was modeled after this -- a   real 1931 - 2 door Deluxe Phaeton

A real 1930 Deluxe Phaeton, click for a larger view.

Real Ford Phaetons. A fairly rare body style for the original Model A's.

Shay Phaeton -- For the most part, they didn't make them. These pics are of the same 1985 Camelot (they bought Shay Co.) -- Unknown if they made more than just this one Phaeton.
Visit the Shay website for more Shay info

Shay Phaetons

Visit the Shay website for more Shay info

A Shay Roadster. Glassic made Phaetons, Roadsters, and a few pickup trucks. Shay made Roadsters and Roadster Pickup trucks.

Shays all had Ford 4 cyl engines, and some stick shift and some automatic transmissions.

Shays are more faithful reproductions of real Model A's. - which includes their faults - narrow doors, limited seating room, fear at high speeds.

There were around 5,000 or so Shays to about 1500 Glassics made.

A Glassic Roadster. Wider doors and more seating room were sacrifices to authenticity, as were contemporary wheel and tire sizes.

Glassics were made of heavier fiberglass and feel more sturdy. Shay has a bigger network of owners and fans.

Both types of replicas seem priced similarly in 2008 - with Glassics possibly a bit more expensive at the upper price end.

A real Model A Roadster
A real 1932 Ford  Roadster